Our Approach

The challenges MycoSure is targeting are grounded in global concerns.

Global population growth is expected to increase to near 10 billion by 2050.

Today, agriculture accounts for a third of all global emissions.

Today, two billion people face food insecurity.

Population growth will require us to close a 56 percent food production gap.

Global warming is projected to add another 100m people into poverty by 2030.

Internal migration may see 85 million people displaced in Sub-Saharan Africa alone.

“We are driven to create a more sustainable food system that will have a meaningful impact on the world, and a kinder relationship with animals. To do this we need to use commercially scalable technologies that go beyond plants versus animal to create a paradigm shift”

Greg Brown – Founder and COO MycoSure

“We are driven to create a more sustainable food system that will have a meaningful impact on the world, and a kinder relationship with animals. To do this we need to use commercially scalable technologies that go beyond plants versus animal to create a paradigm shift”

Greg Brown – Founder and COO MycoSure